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Research interests:

My research lines cover the fields of integrable systems, Hamiltonian
dynamics and random matrices. In particular, I am interested in the Statistical Mechanic of integrable systems and its relations to Random Matrix Theory.  


  1. G. Mazzuca, T. Grava, T. Kriecherbauer, K. T-R McLaughlin, C. B. Mendl, H. Spohn: "Equilibrium Spacetime Correlations of the Toda Lattice on the Hydrodynamic Scale", to appear in Journal of Statistical Physical Physics

  2. G. Mazzuca, and R. Memin: "Large Deviations for Ablowitz-Ladik lattice, and the Schur flow". Electronic Journal of Probability. DOI: 10.1214/23-EJP941

  3. G. Mazzuca, and T. Grava: "Generalized Gibbs ensemble of the Ablowitz-Ladik lattice, circular β-ensemble and double confluent Heun equation". Communication in Mathematical Physics. DOI: 10.1007/s00220-023-04642-8

  4. M. Gisonni, T. Grava, G. Gubbiotti, G. Mazzuca: "Discrete integrable systems and random Lax matrices". Journal of Statistical Physics 190, Article number: 10 (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s10955-022-03024-z  

  5. G. Mazzuca: "On the mean Density of States of some matrices related to the beta ensembles and an application to the Toda lattice". Journal of Mathematical Physics 63, 043501 (2022). DOI: 10.1063/5.0076539

  6. G. Mazzuca, and P.J. Forrester: "The classical beta ensembles with beta proportional to 1/N: from loop equations to Dyson's disordered chain". Journal of Mathematical Physics  62, 073505 (2021). DOI: 10.1063/5.0048481 

  7. T. Grava, T. Kriecherbauer, G. Mazzuca, and K. D. T.-R. McLaughlin: "Correlation functions for a chain of short-range oscillators".  Journal of Statistical Physics (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s10955-021-02735-z  

  8. T. Grava, A. Maspero, G. Mazzuca, and A. Ponno: "Adiabatic invariants for the FPUT and Toda chain in the thermodynamic limit". Communications in Mathematical Physics, 380 (2020), pp. 811–851. DOI: 10.1007/s00220-020-03866-2.



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